
Technology for single-dose containers

Today, Lameplast is able to offer an increasingly comprehensive service, supplying its customers directly with filling and sealing machines for single-dose containers. The series of Pentafill machines guarantees total flexibility to meet a wide range of needs, for production on an industrial scale or small production batches, for laboratory tests or research and development activities. Pentafill machines are designed and built to fill and seal single-dose plastic containers in 5-vial strips from 0.3 to 10 ml and equipped with different filling systems according to the product’s viscosity.  The range is composed of automatic, semi-automatic and laboratory bench-top machines for the filling and sealing of single-dose containers.

Lameplast can also create custom filling and sealing machines for its single-dose containers that address specific customer requirements.



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Moulding lines

Lameplast is one of only a handful of companies in the world that creates moulds and plastic containers completely in-house. Thanks to the experience gained in over 40 years of business, the company can now boast a deep knowledge of plastic materials and the moulding process. Lameplast offers advice on the creation of filling lines for single-dose containers, also when the container is developed according to the customer’s specific needs.

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